Get started

  • Install our free and open source WordPress plugin which includes statistics, optimisation recipes and tweaks that help you optimise your website.
  • Our plugin’s statistics allow you to find the pages on your website that could need some optimisation because they contribute most to your website’s network traffic.
  • Use our page scanner to analyse individual pages of your website to get a list of optimisation opportunities.
  • Read our best practices to get some easy to follow tips without going to much into detail. This also works if you can’t install our plugin (for example on hosted sites).
  • To get more in depth knowledge, read our guides.
  • Tell your visitors that you care about them and the climate!

The greenerWP project and its guides and tools are still evolving. If you want to receive news and tips on environmentally sustainable WordPress websites, be sure to stay updated and subscribe to our newsletter, connect to our social media accounts (Mastodon, Twitter) or subscribe to our RSS feed.